Choose the game from dropdownmenu below and book. (For current day’s games within 20h, please call and ask for availability, p. 044 974 9969.)
Games are paid on location. Price is defined by number of players. (See pricing »)
If you can’t make it to your appointment, please cancel your reservation early enough to avoid a cancelling fee.
The age limit in our escape rooms is 15 years. Younger kids can attend accompanied by adult.
Players must arrive on location 10 min before the starting time. Game duration 60 min, The Job 45min.
NOTE! Current day’s available times (20h prior starting time) are not shown in calendar. Please call us and ask for availability by calling us 044 974 9969.
Allowed number of players per game:
4 ELEMENTS: 2-5 players
THE CURSE: 2-6 players
AIRPLANE: 2-6 players
THE DUNGEON: 2-6 players
TITANIC: 2-6 players
TERMINAL X: 2-10 players
THE JOB, mini game: 2-5 players